Vocabulary (Ch 11 - 15)

If you come across an unfamiliar  word as you are reading and you want to know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary!  You can use Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary or look at the definitions below.

Chapter Eleven
rummaged:   (v.) - To look for something

quivering:  (adj.) - To shake because of fear or cold.

stammered:  (v.) - To speak with many pauses or repetitions due to nervousness

observe:  (v.) - To watch carefully

Chapter Twelve
ghastly:  (adv.) - Shocking, horrible, bad

sneered:  (v.) - To smile or laugh with dislike or lack of respect

Chapter Thirteen
triumphant:  (adj.) - Victory or success

abruptly:  (adv.) - Suddenly or unexpectedly

Chapter Fourteen
burrowed:  (v.) - To make a hole or tunnel by digging 

whirring: (adj.) - Spinning very fast

brute:  (adj.) - Very strong

Chapter Fifteen
hunkered:  (v.) - To lower your body to the ground by bending your legs