If you come across an unfamiliar word as you are reading and you want to know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary! You can use Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary or look at the definitions below.
Chapter One
quesy: (adj.) - Having a sick feeling in the stomach; suffering from nausea
forty winks: (noun) - A short sleep or brief nap
assured: (verb) - Certain or true
blast: (noun) - A mass of air that moves quickly or forcefully
furnace: (noun) - A container in which heat is produced
cloakroom: (noun) - A room in a public building that has toilets and sinks
snicker: (verb) - A short quiet laugh
pupil: (noun) - A student
poultry: (noun) - Birds such as chickens
shrieking: (verb) - To make a loud high pitched cry
squirmed: (verb) - To make a lot of twisting movements
cradling: (verb) - To hold something gently in your arms or hands
scruffy: (adj.) - Not neat, clean or orderly
peals: (noun) - A loud sound
spiffy: (adj.) - Neat, stylish, attractive
bustled: (verb) - To move or go, in a busy or hurried way
craning: (verb) - To stretch out in order to see better
impatient: (adj.) - Not willing to wait
mammal: (noun) - A type of animal that usually feeds milk to its young and is covered with fur or hair
amphibian: (noun) - An animal that can live both on land and in water
distinctive: (adj.) - Different in a way that is easy to notice
wearily: (adv.) - Lacking strength or energy
Chapter Two
species: (noun) - A group of animals that are alike
scampered: (verb) - To run or move quickly
peered: (verb) - To look closely or carefully
inquisitive: (adj.) - Tending to ask questions
shudder: (verb) - To shake because of fear or cold
leer: (adj.) - Wicked or evil
sneer: (noun) - To smile or laugh with dislike
clumped: (verb) - To walk with loud heavy steps
nocturnal: (adj.) - Active mainly at night
irritation: (noun) - To be angry or annoyed
Chapter Three
timidly: (adj.) - Showing lack of courage or confidence
klutz: (noun) - A clumsy person
scowl: (noun) - A look of anger or disapproval
lurched: (verb) - To make a sudden sideways or forward motion
Chapter Four
mere: (adj.) - Used to say something small is of big importance
abruptly: (adv.) - Very sudden and not expected
repulsive: (adj.) - Strong dislike or disgust
permanently: (adv.) - Lasting for a very long time or forever
Chapter Five:
grim: (adj.) - gloomy or depressing
anxious: (adj.) - afraid or nervous
obnoxious: (adj.) - unpleasant in a way that makes people feel offended, annoyed, or disgusted
offensive: (adj.) - causing someone to feel hurt, angry, or upset
conversation: (n.) - a talk between two people