Vocabulary (CH 6 - 10)

If you come across an unfamiliar word as you are reading and you want to know what the word means, look it up in a dictionary!  You can use Merriam Webster's Learner's Dictionary or look at the definitions below.

Chapter Six
applauded:  (v.) - To clap

nocturnal:  (adj.) - Active mainly during the night

crabby:  (adj.) - Unhappy or grouchy

tidy:  (adj.) - Clean and organize

Chapter Seven
collapsed:  (v.) - To fall down suddenly

respective:  (adj.) - Belonging or relating to things that have been mentioned before

Chapter Eight
concentrate:  (n.) - To think

geography:  (n) - The study of countries or natural features of a place like rivers and mountains.

Tegucigalpa: (n.) - The capital city of Honduras

peculiar:  (adj.) - Strange

jest: (n.) - To joke

Chapter Nine
hoarse:  (adj.) - A rough sounding voice

clincher:  (n.) - A fact or statement that makes something certain or final

prank:  (n.) - A trick

Chapter Ten
modest: (adj.) - Not showing pride

scampered:  (v.) - To run or  move quickly

scurried:  (v.) - To move quickly with short steps

plastered:  (v.) - Stuck on something